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Mittwoch, 17. August 2011

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Von youxi, 09:09

Friendship family after I have been very happy
I took my best friend, ,cheap aion kinah,violet is brought into a family
I went to put her feelings gradually
I am grateful when I interviewed that day, and so
I asked him what you think in the process of family have moved things
Before he ,Knight Noah,answered my family has a girl named stupid circles
Along with the family doing family tasks
I then orbit again burst its banks
When doing interviews,metin2 gold, posted after
I deleted this,Keyboard struck time and again
I don't want to mention how I leave family
I don't want to get their sadI dropped out of the family
But later, with the,eve isk. occasional little QQ and the family
Incognito,In fact, the QQ I long have no use,But to enter the friendship family
I let him every day online,I don't know what to do what
Do so quietly concern this family,Those fluctuations,And all the family-related
Friday I dropped out of Happy,RIFT platinum, Valley,Back to friendship
If everything will recur,I would never go back
So I would not like this can not go back again.It's all so short
Less than 4 hours back to the family
And then left her family.That moment I aloneInstant ice
In fact, I really love you.,cabal gold,They're hurt each other with.Interview posted todayTo tell you the truth I am very happy.Although there are many unsatisfactory
But if you could leave happiness.Then I was content

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