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Donnerstag, 10. November 2011

Old professional Maplestory upheaval rise--the strong warrior article
Von youxi, 09:52

Created the Korea 2010 416,000Maplestory Mesos online wonder Korea first online game Maplestory, the changes on December 28 after opening tests of the domestic popularity of UCH, full House, crazy surge in the number online! 28th open development tests, Maplestory were launched the big changes is the player's attention two brand new career "spiritual teacher" and "Leopard features the Ranger", new professional shocking debut is also the older professional at the time of a strong rise the day Maplestory teamed up the changes of all professions are out on the play of a clash of Kings!
Soldiers has always been a lot of Maplestory players favorites, making a melee attack, Monster Warrior career thrill Buy MapleStory Mesosa close battle is the greatest pleasure lies. Heroes, Paladin, Black Knights are the three big Maplestory Warrior profession, every professional fan there are countless players. In Maplestory, of the big changes in the new world, what career would break out in these three soldiers how light then?
Call spirits Division more special is that you can release from their body has a mysterious aura of strength, activating different aura can be called spiritual therapist and his team-mates have different properties and effects. When the black quarrel just to vent one ' s spleen releases when their attack capabilities with teammates will rise sharply,Cheap MapleStory Mesos and yellow quarrel just to vent one ' s spleen can increase movement speed and attack speed, domineering blue quarrel just to vent one ' s spleen once released can even achieve the effect of damage absorbed!
Not only that, but Reiki can be Buy Mesospromoted additional character level was strengthened, enabling your Dodge rate, other properties such as resistance to abnormal condition improve. Powerful means of temper skills and efficient output was distinctive by calling spirits Division, both the personal combat and the team are its capability to cope.
Calling spirits Division around are magnificent powerful skill for dazzling has let you out? Maplestory start opening test of the big changes, two new levels you experience!
Adventure from scratch, Cheap Mesoseverything has changed!

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